Uhane Lele
“Ascending Spirit”
In Celebration and Memory of “DOC” Robert Roy Watkins.
Let us all live in his light: shine exactly how you want to shine, be authentically and beautifully you.
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Imagine a beautiful blue swallowtail butterfly-woman emerging from her dark brown chrysalis to become the torch bearer to others to be inspired to grow and change in their lives. She attracts eight smaller butterflies that surround her shining their lights on her light orb that shoots flames.
The Butterfly is nature’s way of reminding us that there is hope in grief. When the caterpillar is no more. The butterfly exists in Ultimate freedom and beauty.
Butterfly Representing Spirit
We imagine that some will sit in reflective contemplation, dance around the sculpture and possibly inspire other playa butterflies to perform, circle around it and gather there. Some may be inspired to touch the smoothness of the sculpture, the butterfly-woman's body, and to gaze into the reflection of the stained glass etc.:
"The butterfly is proof you can go through a great deal of darkness and still become something beautiful".
What we once deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes a part of us.